Our Planned Maintenance Services
Planned maintenance, also known as preventative maintenance, is essentially adopting a proactive approach to your building’s maintenance. This means that rather than waiting for problems to develop, your facility is regularly checked, and any issues are identified and repaired before an escalation can occur.
As part of your planned maintenance programme, Inavate Developments can provide a range of bespoke maintenance programmes including roofing & guttering, air conditioning, roller shutter and pest control. Often, smaller problems can stack up which lead to bigger issues down the line. We’ll make sure this doesn’t happen.

Pros of Planned Maintenance
Reduced Downtime
A maintenance issue may be serious enough to stop your site from trading and you are unable to prepare your staff for the downtime and the loss of productivity and profits to your business.
Increased Safety
Obviously any property that isn’t checked regularly could be a safety concern, as they are not being maintained frequently, rather being looked at as and when a problem arises. As the likelihood of large scale, dangerous and catastrophic failures and breakdowns are reduced it means improved safety for staff and customers alike.
Keeps the Facility Running
Having a planned maintenance schedule means your facility can keep running for longer periods of time without having to suffer downtime due to large scale repairs or break downs. Any maintenance work can occur out of work hours to ensure business continuity.
Overall Costs are Lower
With planned maintenance, large breakdowns and repairs are less likely and therefore large breakdown costs are reduced.
If you run a large company, ensuring your business can run smoothly throughout the year is essential to company success. For many, this means employing the services of a planned maintenance company such as Inavate Developments. If you are unsure, however, ask yourself whether your business could manage an interruption to its everyday operations?
Would a leaking roof halt your operation? How would your staff feel about an unwelcome infestation? What would your customers make of unsanitary and dilapidated premises?
Every business has a responsibility to maintain a safe, clean and secure environment for their employees to operate in. Ensuring this will lead to happier staff, greater productivity and a generally more profitable operation. Well maintained buildings also provide a lasting return on your investment – whatever their use.